Photo by Samuel Zeller
As we move into the holiday season, and the chase turns more…well…material than ever, we can’t ignore the pressure to fill holes with stuff. We get brief bursts of satisfaction, but in society’s rush to consume, they don’t tend to last very long.
Satisfaction is defined as contentment. If a person is satisfied, they are also fulfilled. These definitions imply a sense of finality. But as life races, the world changes its mind by the minute on what we need to feel satisfied. And we’re really afraid to miss out.
So…is satisfaction possible?
I SAY YES! And I know because I live it!
Consider for a moment that you actually have everything you need. That there is no more searching, no more growing necessary. Are you panicking right now at the mere thought?
Some of us think we can only feel satisfied when we get to the end, and when we reach that “end,” we might as well die cuz it’s all over.
And that’s the problem. We’ve got it all backwards.
Why can’t the life and work we do each day actually be what fulfills us? Why do we have to wait to feel it until we reach that vague distant goal? When we decide that we’ll feel happy once we get to that next checkpoint, we’re disappointed when we don’t feel how we expect. In fact, getting there often feels empty. Like…now what?
This is all a matter of perspective. You CAN be satisfied by the normal daily grind. And when you feel satisfied on a daily basis, there are less holes that need filling. You can accept that you have what you need, because it actually feels that way.
This can take time to achieve. Things don’t always unfold right away, just because we’ve decided to start looking.
In coaching, we spend a lot of time focusing on bite size pieces. The giant nebulous question, “Why can’t I feel satisfied with my own life?” is really big, and it’s common to feel frozen when looking it straight in the face.
Photo by Patrick Fore
Maybe start by noting and appreciating small moments of satisfaction. An evening walk. A good movie. A comforting hug. A real smile. A great conversation. A delicious pink sprinkled donut. Collecting small satisfactions throughout the day creates awareness, and perhaps leads to a steady sense of contentment. As that contentment expands, and you start to believe you deserve it, you’ll start to see the changes that need to happen to keep up its growth.
There’s plenty about you to celebrate, and you can allow yourself satisfaction in appreciating those qualities. You bring distinct magic to the world. I’m glad you’re here!
I want to recommend you get yourself a special gift to bring in the new year: The Desire Map by Danielle LaPorte. Danielle has a very frank, compassionate, and insightful perspective that encourages you to dig into what sort of life feels right for you. Let her walk with you as you start the journey toward living a satisfied life.
This year has all of the potential, and I’m so glad we get to live it together. You are worthy of satisfaction!