Just let it go.
Hello from the Grand Canyon! This morning, I've been watching a woodpecker mother work tirelessly to find grubs in the surrounding trees. Her babies are in our campsite, in the knot of a tree, and there are at least 4 beautiful elk grazing close enough to touch.
This trip has proven to be a vibrant time of reflection for me. I can say with 100% certainty that I have found distinct magic through the art of letting go. I experience that magic in moments like this one: when I can breathe with a peaceful mind, and notice the world around me. Fear...anger...resentment...in the past, they have all prevented me from seeing the beauty that sits just inches from the end of my nose. Fear most of all. Some decisions only hurt you, and the past is long gone. How can we live best if we're stuck in these loops?
The space that letting go creates welcomes in a richness that you might not know you were missing. Because of what I've managed to leave behind, I can allow myself time to admire that little woodpecker, to marvel at the speed of her flight from tree to tree. I have given myself permission to notice things, without the familiar anxiety of "don't stop moving!" I've rediscovered the curiosity of my youth, something I had no memory of losing.
I have no illusions, the work that we all do inside of ourselves will never stop. However, letting go of powerful energy depleters like anger, meaningless work, empty relationships, and fear of change have brought me closer than ever to who I want to be. I can stand next to an overwhelmingly giant, vibrant, and majestic gash in the earth without checking the clock.
Take the first step - reach out to me. Let's talk about what it'll take for you to feel this way.