New Year’s Resolutions, and Why They Fall Flat.
Who among us ACTUALLY keeps up with our resolutions past January? If it’s you, bravo. You’re a hero among us.
Photo by Helena Lopes
Resolutions sound so nice, don’t they? And they come about with the best intentions. We’re walking into a new year, with new possibilities…wrapped in shiny cellophane. We’re riding a high of possibility, and with hope that somehow this year will be different for us.
When resolutions come through with quick pops of excited energy, we sometimes forget that we have experiences…relationships…lives…to continue. The year might be new, but WE certainly aren’t! On New Year’s Day, “last year” was yesterday (possibly moments ago, and we’re still standing in our friend’s living room).
It’s important to remember that we bring everything with us - our histories, tendencies, and habits aren’t going to disappear overnight.
Photo by Josh Stewart
When the new chapter starts, we’re sometimes surprised when our lives are more of the same. The fairy tale feels so real! If we make unrealistic commitments and simultaneously forget who we are, that epic work out/ diet plan begins to lose its appeal after 2 weeks (if not sooner).
Sound familiar?
We attribute so many stories and ideas to New Years and the idea of resolutions. They make us feel good in theory, but the reality and grind of carrying out what we promised we’d do isn’t so glamorous.
Here’s the secret, which isn’t a secret at all: it’s all about your approach.
Start small! Why the hell does everyone say they’re going to lose 40 pounds without making a plan?! It drives me crazy. In the first month they lose 5 pounds, and they lose steam because it isn’t 40. Be realistic! 5 pounds in a month is healthy, and amazing! AND it’s indicative of a gradual, maintainable change.
Also, why is the resolution important to you? Want to stop using plastic products? It might seem obvious in the moment, but try writing it down and keeping it somewhere in plain sight. A reminder of your conviction on January 1st is helpful as time passes.
Resolutions can be a beginning for you. You can ride that energy to take the first steps toward change, but it has to be with real and true dedication. It’ll take time. You’ll screw up along the way, and learn valuable lessons. You’ll need community to help you strengthen that resolve. You need to be real with yourself. And you need to make it fun!
Start this year off with success in mind by adopting a resolution MINUS the fallout. You can make it happen, and I’m here to support you in finding the formula that works for you.
Cheers to another New Year, and the hope it brings. May your life be exquisitely happy, healthy, loving, and exciting!